NC TLC Estate is full-service real estate solutions firm that purchases, sells and holds properties throughout the Johnston and Wake Counties area. We specialize in:
- Residential redevelopment
- Short Sales / Loss Mitigation
- Real Estate Investment (Single-Family and Muti-Family)
- Foreclosure Solutions
Since its inception, TLC Estate has consistently pursued its goal to help hundreds of people in the community find solutions to their real estate needs. Our organization is well-funded, with years of experience successfully purchasing properties with CASH; and quickly renovating and listing to re-sell those properties to retail home buyers and landlords. Our company is a part of vast network of investors, real estate agents, attorneys, lenders, and contractors that work with us on a consistent basis.

We recognize that much of our success is based on the strong partnerships and relationships we have cultivated over the years. At TLC ESTATE we place a high value on the knowledge and expertise of good real estate agents and brokers. We continually strive to build relationships with qualified, experienced agents who have both a passion for real estate and uncompromising drive to succeed. We believe that by working together, we will not only develop a catalog of successful win-win transactions, but also create a powerful and lucrative collaboration that adds value and serves our community.
Benefits of working with us
We are proud of ourselves on having a systematized buying process. As an agent you can take advantage of the many opportunities we can provide as experienced real estate investors.
- Opportunity to make double commission
- Consistent business
- Obtain referral leads
- Access to property inventory before listed
- Opportunity to host open houses
- Short sale referrals
- Ease of transactions — we use electronic signatures
- Become a distressed property expert in your area
- Free training
- Joint Venture potential
- Enhanced profile as an agent in your community

Working with us as an agent doesn’t mean you have to spend more hours on your regular working process. Quite the opposite! We provide our agents with numerous leads and potential prospects, who either looking to sell their properties but hasn’t listed it yet, or whose’ listings have expired. Besides us (business operators) and agents, there are two VA teams working hard to sort and prequalify hundreds of contacts daily. We have a training system for new agents, actively participating in multiple real estate networks and encourage our team members to get involved and to build relationships with other real estate professionals and investors. Our core business lies within our systems, education and knowledge of the real estate industry.
DISCLOSURE: We are not the brokerage firm.